About us

We’re a delivery agency, not a development agency

After years of working on project builds, migrations and rescues, we have a pretty good angle on the most common areas where 'project success' might not shine through in the way we would have hoped. 

Projects are complex and ideas evolve in every case. If we are imlpementing custom functionality into a merchant site and something does not go to plan, time and costs can be consumed in a manner that neither party expected or budgetted for. 

Software engineering is not the only sector which is facing this challenge. Consultants in general and certainly across the creative industry, are finding more success selling 'value' or 'products' rather than time. 

Whilst this is not an overnight change, we are working hard to productize our core services and when this phase is complete we can hopefully move to a product/value driven service where we are focussed entirely on building great relationships and stories with our customers.


Our Values

1 - Make people happy

Whether it's in work or out of work, we try to make people happy! Because who doesn't like to be happy?

When it comes to work, we want to reduce complexity and increase creativity. It's slightly selfish, but if we can increase clients' creativity, it makes our lives easier (and much more fun)

2 - Be nice

It's probably one of the best pieces of advice you could give to a child. Unfortunately, a lot of people forget about it as they become adults. We haven't

3 - Be honest

"We're the greatest ever Magento agency in the world!" 

Wait, what?

No, we're not...

We're good, we're very good, but we never pull the wool over anyone's eyes (it's just not how things are done in our eyes).

We've seen a lot of agencies over the years that have a really bad "salesman" approach. The kind that promise you the world; those that say "we're the best agency in the UK". It's surprising how many number 1 agencies there are in the UK don't you think?

We're honest, and that's why we tell real stories...

4 - Tell stories

Why? Because we can't be bothered boring you with the same old spiel you've heard a thousand times before about how great we are or what we can do for you. We tell stories, so you can decide for yourself if you want us to help you, rather than telling you that you need us.

Discover what we're doing...

Meet Magento 2024 Florida Recap
Meet Magento 2024 Florida Recap News

Even better than we expected!

Vendic News

Working with another Hyvä partner? Surely not...

We're going to Meet Magento 2024 Florida
We're going to Meet Magento 2024 Florida News

#MM24FL - We're a bit excited...

We're donating $6000!
We're donating $6000! News

Help us help others

Mile High Checkout Club
Mile High Checkout Club News

Deploying Hyvä Checkout while flying from MAN to JKF!!

Meet Magento 2023 New York City
Meet Magento 2023 New York City News

What an AMAZING conference! Take a look at our trip to the Big Apple